

country road lyrics的相關標籤

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Here's the poem I recorded for "Einstein APP, one of the biggest online Podcast Stations in China! 🙌⁣ ⁣ They usually share educational speeches and something you can learn from, like lessons or inspirational stories. 💪⁣ ⁣ I'm really proud that they selected me as their featured celebrity artist and “acting/singing coach” of the week.😁⁣ ⁣ Enjoy the lyrics:⁣ ⁣ "And the poetry read and music file?⁣ I recorded that a few days ago for a big pod cast company in China as their featured celebrity artist, acting and singing coach; by acting and expressing through our voice.⁣ ⁣ ⁣ The clouds from my country home⁣ ⁣ At the far end of the sky flew the cloud like that in my country home⁣ It keeps calling me⁣ When light winds blow around me⁣ I hear a voice calling me⁣ ⁣ Come home, oh come home⁣ You who wander to the end of the world⁣ Come home, oh come home⁣ Stop wandering around the world⁣ ⁣ I am treading heavy steps⁣ Homecoming road is so long⁣ When light winds blow around me⁣ They smell the soil of my country home⁣ ⁣ Come home, oh come home⁣ You who wander to the end of the world⁣ Come home, oh come home⁣ I’m so tired of wandering⁣ ⁣ I’m so weary in my heart⁣ Tears of pain fill my eyes⁣ The winds from my country home, the clouds from my country home⁣ They will touch and erase my scars⁣ Once I had such a lofty ambition⁣ But I go home with an empty valise⁣ The winds from my country home, the clouds from my country home⁣ They will touch and heal my scars"

Here's the poem I recorded for "Einstein APP, one ...